FoxTrot by Bill Amend for April 13, 2014
Peter: It starts off like your basic romantic comedy. Boy gets ball...boy throws ball...boy gets ball back...After a while, though, things begin to get serious. This isn't one of the casual flings they boy is used to. And then there's a twist! A major curve gets thrown! The teams have to switch places! Now the boy must hit the ball with a bat! What will he do? Will he miss on purpose and lose the game?! He takes his place in the batter's box...the ball comes toward him...he sheds a tear and...I'm told this is how they pitch in Hollywood. Coach: Being annoying in the dugout won't get me to put you out on the field any faster, Fox.
Pretzelcoatl almost 11 years ago
Will the boy make it to first base? Will he score? Find out in Foul Ball 2: The Umpire Strikes Out.
sbchamp almost 11 years ago
Boy hits ball, boy walks after ballpops ball in hole, puts on Green JacketIt gets no better
99gagtx almost 11 years ago
I think Bill Amend just gave Hollywood an idea for next year’s summer block buster movies.
Biltil Premium Member almost 11 years ago
Men have always had a love affair with their balls (um that is baseballs, basketballs, footballs…)
ChessPirate almost 11 years ago
J.J. Abrams directs “Peter’s Story – Into Dreckness.”
legaleagle48 almost 11 years ago
I was just going to say, seriously, nkbush1787? I’m gay, and even I would object to making Peter, Paige, Andy, or Roger gay just for the sake of having a gay character in the strip. It would feel forced and inorganic — in other words, it would be the comic-strip equivalent of jumping the shark!
tunextgeneration almost 11 years ago
that was the most confusing crap I’ve ever read.
Doctor11 almost 11 years ago
Sadly, Peter isn’t the best ball player and this has been going on since the 1980s.
Artie Adams almost 11 years ago
Hooray for not using a DH!