1-Adam-12. 1-Adam-12. Proceed to corner of Maple and Main. 7-11 in progress... Roger that. Over and out... Whoa, this is so intense! So @#$@#% intense!! What is a 7-11? Gettin' a big gulp with my homies.
I just watched an episode of “Adam-12” that featured ROBERT CONRAD fresh (I assume) from “The Wild Wild West”,and he didn’t even get guest star credit!!!! What were these guys thinking????
Family Express and increasingly Casey’s General Store. The police and deputy sheriffs routinely visit to discourage unauthorized withdrawals by the local drug users(so they can buy heroin/weed/pills from drugs dealers from Chicago).
Varnes over 10 years ago
I’m a Slurpy guy, myself…..
Sisyphos over 10 years ago
Cop-cluster & Monty in panel 3: this is setting so ripe for a sudden outbreak of police brutality….
billyruffian over 10 years ago
No 7-11’s where I live now – miss the Double Gulp lemonade!
billyruffian over 10 years ago
The colorist did a great job on the flashy lights in p2!
puddlesplatt over 10 years ago
I’m missing something in my life…went to a 7-11 once in my life, to ask where was I.
ChessPirate over 10 years ago
“1-Adam-12, 1-Adam-12. Someone has stolen your unit and placed it in a comic.”
Chrisstopher over 10 years ago
Anyone remember when 7-11 meant they were open from 7am till 11pm?
Stan McSerr over 10 years ago
1 adam-12, 1 adam-12, see the man – still love the show!
Michelle Morris over 10 years ago
I just watched an episode of “Adam-12” that featured ROBERT CONRAD fresh (I assume) from “The Wild Wild West”,and he didn’t even get guest star credit!!!! What were these guys thinking????
Barker62 over 10 years ago
Family Express and increasingly Casey’s General Store. The police and deputy sheriffs routinely visit to discourage unauthorized withdrawals by the local drug users(so they can buy heroin/weed/pills from drugs dealers from Chicago).
Sharkybill almost 3 years ago
This is not accurate; I know that they would be getting Slurpees.