Andy Capp by Reg Smythe for April 04, 2014

  1. Airbrush 20240305192116
    Number Three  almost 11 years ago

    There’s no place like home, eh, Flo?


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  2. Airbrush 20240305192116
    Number Three  almost 11 years ago

    @Gweedo MurrayGweedo – A gen’rous goodwill offerin’ are required ! – said, about 20 hours agoKnowing that Capps have me covered is good !-Choc and van is was my fave flavors too. When I wanna relive the Neopolitan (van-choc-straw) experience I would go pick up some Soy Dream. I use that stuff sparing these days as it is essentially junk food. -I’m sure they wouldn’t try to ‘eat’ your fingers on purpose but mistakes can be made. Is Molly’s last name Malone ? Sounds like Mum likes visiting too !-Were there whinnies of disapproval when you came up mintless ? -I’m sure they will make a new window at no charge. -If I could get close to these little piggies I would make a point of getting a shot or two. -Wonderful, you say ??? Started snowing before comics turnover and this morning about 4 inches of wet snow all over it. The sun is out and melting. -Talked to bro Ron earlier. He said that what they are giving him is causing bloating. He will be giving the Lithium a try soon. -Even though it is not “Midnight” at the Oasis, I will give those a spin after I come back.-At this point, not sure I’m looking forward to Friday
. Hope yours is good !__________________________________________________I’m not too fond of Neopolitan even though I like the 3 flavours. Just not together. It’s either got to be strawberry, vanilla or chocolate on it’s own.-I doubt that Molly’s last name was Malone but that made me smile. My Mum doesn’t go to see the horses as often as I do. She comes with me if we are both out.-The horses didn’t seem to mind that I had no polo mints. I’ve noticed that whenever I feed Merlin a polo, he bangs his hoof on the railings or scrapes it across the ground. I think it’s his way of saying “Thank you” since he’ll be sick of eating grass and hay all the time. -Sorry to hear that Ron’s meds are causing bloating. I hope the Lithium works much better for him when he starts taking it. -I’ve been an Oasis fan for a long time even though I’ve never mentioned it to any of you Cappers. You learn something new every day. You wouldn’t be familiar with them because they’re an English band. They split up in 2009. Did you like the songs? “Songbird” was very cute.-This is the Oasis album I’ve got:

    I’ll refrain from saying “Happy Finally Friday” if that’s what you would prefer if you’re not looking forward to it.-Come on, Trigger!

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  3. Airbrush 20240305192116
    Number Three  almost 11 years ago

    An Oasis song dedicated to Andy Capp:

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  4. Logo
    Chris Sherlock  almost 11 years ago

    Big Betty cured Flo of all desire to go on a ski trip.

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  5. Thinker1
    Fan o’ Lio.  almost 11 years ago

    How can you speak English with an English accent?

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  6. Jock
    Godfreydaniel  almost 11 years ago

    I’m never bored but always restless, does that count? Has Big Betty ever been pictured, or is she like Andy and Flo’s mums, too horrible to be drawn? (Cue to Eldo to re-post Don Martin’s enormous fat freak, which NEVER gets old!)

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    pcolli  almost 11 years ago

    Anybody in the US see this?.

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  8. Thinker1
    Fan o’ Lio.  almost 11 years ago

    Her rack is what kept her from falling in completely.

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    pcolli  almost 11 years ago

    Gahlee gee, Gweedo dood, hyuk. Aaz gunna havta come round there an’ push this here custard pah in yer face.

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    pcolli  almost 11 years ago

    No, I mean the ones that sound like 18th century east end of London accents. See dick Van Dyke in that Poppins thing.

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    pcolli  almost 11 years ago

    Her rack wasn’t responsible for insuring it.

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  12. Airbrush 20240305192116
    Number Three  almost 11 years ago

    To be honest, I don’t think people can tell what accent a singer has when they are singing. Just when they’re talking. That’s what I’ve been going with.-Sorry to hear you didn’t think much of the 2 songs yesterday. I LOVE them but we can’t all like the same things. The “Idle” song is fantastic. It’s perfect for Andy.-When it rains lightly and I happen to be out in it, I don’t mind but when it starts to rain heavily then that’s another story. -Trigger is a boy by the way. I named him after a character in “Only Fools & Horses” who’s name was Trigger.

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