Never had seen the word Agilely used before. In Spanish a lot of times, but, had the necessity of translate Ágilmente to English arised, would not think of it as a real word.
Tarzan seems to be laughing and enjoying himself in that third panel. He’s probably thinking, “Ah, my third animal I will have killed today! And this one with my bare hands!”.
Tarzan “sleeper hold” I sure hope so, he’s been killing too many wild beasts lately when he should have killed Simon Leach and Jolly Rodgers! :)> KillBadHumansAGowa!!
favm almost 11 years ago
Oh, what fools these animals be.
nailer Premium Member almost 11 years ago
Never had seen the word Agilely used before. In Spanish a lot of times, but, had the necessity of translate Ágilmente to English arised, would not think of it as a real word.
Old Comic Strip Lover almost 11 years ago
Tarzan seems to be laughing and enjoying himself in that third panel. He’s probably thinking, “Ah, my third animal I will have killed today! And this one with my bare hands!”.
Polsixe almost 11 years ago
@Nailer, that word “agilely” is best used in cases where a man deftly steps aside a lion he is fighting with no weapons. Doesn’t happen too often.
Galimatias almost 11 years ago
Aw, I thought that Numa was going to eat Tarzan and onlythe monkey would care.
J Short almost 11 years ago
I’ve been gone a week. Tarzan, never at a loss for something to do. Choking a lion, good luck with that; like choking a 55 gallon drum.
J Short almost 11 years ago
I’ve been gone a week. Tarzan, never at a loss for something to do. Choking a lion, good luck with that; like choking a 55 gallon drum.
Dean almost 11 years ago
Perhaps he is smiling because he thinks he can now turn the lion into a friendly ally.
profkatz almost 11 years ago
Tarzan “sleeper hold” I sure hope so, he’s been killing too many wild beasts lately when he should have killed Simon Leach and Jolly Rodgers! :)> KillBadHumansAGowa!!
Locksley1 almost 11 years ago
He’s smiling because its all a scam to impress the chick.NUMATHEWINGMANAGOWA…
quartermain almost 11 years ago
New Pals— Both Tarzan and animals Boosters.