Constructive…and self-aggrandizing? That’s no way to make peace.
What we didn’t know until now is that is what the sphinx looked like before all the wind and sand damage.
“My name is Lard’s World Peace Tips strip, small grey man:Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!”
Sadly, the Mighty are the ones with the missiles.When we conquer the world with peace, we must crush armed conflict for all time.
orinoco womble almost 11 years ago
Constructive…and self-aggrandizing? That’s no way to make peace.
katina.cooper almost 11 years ago
What we didn’t know until now is that is what the sphinx looked like before all the wind and sand damage.
No New Wars almost 11 years ago
“My name is Lard’s World Peace Tips strip, small grey man:Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!”
Sadly, the Mighty are the ones with the missiles.When we conquer the world with peace, we must crush armed conflict for all time.