Pluggers by Rick McKee for April 06, 2014

  1. Stormdrainnodump
    pelican47  over 10 years ago

    She’s just helping to identify what laundry pre-treatments he needs to use.

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    pcolli  over 10 years ago

    The grass stalin may be from some other activity.

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  3. Grrr...
    JonDoh  over 10 years ago

    We have a stray dog that we took in a couple of years ago. “Lady” has become very loyal and follows me everywhere. Now when I mow our 1 1/2 acres, she follows me on the lawn tractor and my wife has nick named her “Lady green feet” on lawn cutting days.

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    LuvThemPluggers  over 10 years ago

    …and that was one of his good shirts!

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    Redhead55  over 10 years ago

    But she also knows how to remove all those stains!

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    pcolli  over 10 years ago

    So, pluggers don’t play lawn bowls?

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    IndyMan  over 10 years ago

    What makes the difference ? Its a cartoon strip—like ‘Shoe’ is different and is real !

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