Eddie: Oh, yuck. You have a bad case of pink eye! Cuco: Actually, we now call it "Bob Costas Disease." I'm going to start a foundation. Eddie: Just wash your hands, dude.
It always surprises me to see someone like you waste 5 minutes of your day reading a comic you obviously don’t care for and then waste another 5 commenting just to show how “hip” you are.
I hope you extend your public service to Mallard Fillmore, since it also inflicts us with “poorly-drawn art, lock-step unbalanced politics, and stereotype-filled unfunny viewpoints”.
Bob Costas has been a national figure for decades, and even I, who refused to watch the Putalympics, knew he had conjunctivitis.It must be difficult reading some comics with no cultural knowledge. Our own culture, to say nothing of other cultures.
Templo S.U.D. over 10 years ago
¿Bob Costas?
57-Don over 10 years ago
It always surprises me to see someone like you waste 5 minutes of your day reading a comic you obviously don’t care for and then waste another 5 commenting just to show how “hip” you are.
bobdingus over 10 years ago
I hope you extend your public service to Mallard Fillmore, since it also inflicts us with “poorly-drawn art, lock-step unbalanced politics, and stereotype-filled unfunny viewpoints”.
kaffekup over 10 years ago
Bob Costas has been a national figure for decades, and even I, who refused to watch the Putalympics, knew he had conjunctivitis.It must be difficult reading some comics with no cultural knowledge. Our own culture, to say nothing of other cultures.