Since the original Obamacare law does not exist any longer, no one knows what the law is anymore. It has become whatever the fascists in the administration say it is.
Wait just a goldarned minute! What about all the people who had insurance and it would not pay for legitimate needs resulting from accidents. People who spent thousands of dollars insurance charges, only to have $30,000 of a $32,000,claim disallowed. And that is one of many insurance denials I faced for standard hospital charges. Take insurance companies out of the equation.
I know in these days where noone believes anything unless it is on the web, insurance companies try to hide the fact they began as protection rackets. Insurance had its genesis in organised crime, not the risk pools genuine shipping companies established. Insurance companies brought disinterested parties into the equation who had incentive to increase risk. But my home state has gotten horrible for not covering out of network costs, which is a fairly new term for insurance, which came into practice in my home state after the legislature was won by insurance people, who would have industry people write laws for them to submit and bills to pass. Even that wasn’t enough for the blight on society which is insurance: At least the past three insurance commissioners in my state have done, or are doing, prison terms for racketeering.
Darsan54 Premium Member almost 11 years ago
Young and invincible, until a car hits you.
Darsan54 Premium Member almost 11 years ago
Or need your appendix out.
Darsan54 Premium Member almost 11 years ago
Or fall at home and break a bone. Or cut yourself badly.
Darsan54 Premium Member almost 11 years ago
Or find out your family has a long history of heart disease no one ever told you about. That happened to Cheney, by his own admission.
Mneedle almost 11 years ago
Since the original Obamacare law does not exist any longer, no one knows what the law is anymore. It has become whatever the fascists in the administration say it is.
JusSayin almost 11 years ago
Wait just a goldarned minute! What about all the people who had insurance and it would not pay for legitimate needs resulting from accidents. People who spent thousands of dollars insurance charges, only to have $30,000 of a $32,000,claim disallowed. And that is one of many insurance denials I faced for standard hospital charges. Take insurance companies out of the equation.
I know in these days where noone believes anything unless it is on the web, insurance companies try to hide the fact they began as protection rackets. Insurance had its genesis in organised crime, not the risk pools genuine shipping companies established. Insurance companies brought disinterested parties into the equation who had incentive to increase risk. But my home state has gotten horrible for not covering out of network costs, which is a fairly new term for insurance, which came into practice in my home state after the legislature was won by insurance people, who would have industry people write laws for them to submit and bills to pass. Even that wasn’t enough for the blight on society which is insurance: At least the past three insurance commissioners in my state have done, or are doing, prison terms for racketeering.