Pearls Before Swine by Stephan Pastis for July 15, 2003

  1. 6qo5ovwy
    paulrharvey3  over 9 years ago

    Brian Williams?

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  2. Photo
    Jason fox is god  over 6 years ago

    I hate it when Pastis makes jokes that are only funny to predidused republicans.

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  3. R2 d2
    Are2Dee2  over 4 years ago

    Yep, that’s how it works with the NYT, Washington Post, and others. And this was 2003. Things haven’t changed much, have they?

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    CokedOutRacoon  over 4 years ago

    lol sounds like Pastis was reading Baudrillard when he came up with the idea for this strip.

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  5. Earl monroe 800x445
    Earls Before Swine Premium Member over 1 year ago

    This does sound like Pastis watched too much Fox News or something, but this is actually based on the Jayson Blair controversy, where a New York Times foreign correspondent got in huge trouble for fabricating stories. Now, the Times is generally a reliable source of news and the Blair incident doesn’t really reflect on the paper at large (especially 20 years later, lol) but I think Rat’s line was fair enough satire considering Pastis was probably exaggerating for the sake of the joke.

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