Pearls Before Swine by Stephan Pastis for May 14, 2007
May 13, 2007
May 15, 2007
"Hello, God. You don't know me... I'm Rat." "You say ask and it shall be given..." "So give me one billion dollars and the looks to attract Rachel McAdams." SHAKE SHAKE SHAKE "My faith is waning."
slimbrownweed over 13 years ago
rat traps!
Pelahnar about 12 years ago
Methinks Rat does not understand the point of prayer. And this is coming from an Atheist.
Ωmega over 4 years ago
apperently he does know u rat. and how bad you have been.
robert423elliott over 2 years ago
Rat got it backwards. God knows Rat. Rat doesn’t know God!!!