Family Tree by Signe Wilkinson for November 10, 2011

  1. Birdwatching
    MelvinLott  over 13 years ago

    …and this is the major reason why I stopped officiating. Parents behaving like idiots and challenging the official to a fight if he dares to call a foul against their amazingly perfect offspring. When I laughed at one parent and said that he was embarrassing himself and his child and interrupting the game he threw his shoe at me. A huge fight ensued (I wasn’t involved). I called the game, left and never returned. Perhaps some of you read about it? Soccer match? New Jersey? 2007? Ah, such fond memories….

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  2. Me with salmon  small
    EricAlder  over 13 years ago

    It’s a social sickness, MelvinLott. I don’t blame you for quitting.

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