Family Tree by Signe Wilkinson for December 10, 2011

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    fiddler17  about 13 years ago

    They’re not complete BS. The credits you get for passing the test are generally pretty useless but they’re great for giving higher achievers the opportunity to be in a little bit faster-paced classroom and not have to be constantly waiting for the delinquents to catch up.

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  2. Charlie
    reese828  about 13 years ago

    Those college credits a student gets for doing well on the AP tests are worth cold hard cash. My son was able to skip a great many required college classes due to his AP tests, and his AP classes didn’t cost a dime. IB classes do have fees – especially if a student is going for the IB degree, but the cost is less than taking the same thing in college, and the student gets college credit. Depending on the college/university an IB diploma from high school may get you 1 – 2 full years of credit.

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    whiteaj  about 13 years ago

    Not your “average” high school. Twig must be at a private.

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