Family Tree by Signe Wilkinson for March 21, 2012
"Jamie Lynne Spears sold her pregnancy story for a million bucks. How gross!" "She's brilliant!" OGLE "She's getting paid to launch her career." "What career?" "Making good by doing bad." "That's a career?" "Someone's got to fill in when Paris Hilton's in jail."
ladyellen2 almost 13 years ago
It’s time someone turned off the water on her. Or shut off the water heater!! Besides, she is so concerned about saving the planet, yet she wastes hundreds of gallons of water. Hypocrite!
cvdemers almost 13 years ago
@AshburnStadiumOnly ONE shower per lifetime! No surprise from a Redskin fan. Speaking of Redskins… When does the nation’s capital’s pro football team plan to shed its clearly racist name?