Twig says, "A new president! Can't you feel the change?" Maggie says, "not yet." Twig says, "Obama is inspiring us to clean up the messes of the last 8 years!" Maggie says, "Change begins at home!" Twig says, "You aren't inspiring me, mom."
RonBerg13 Premium Member about 12 years ago
Worse than Jehovah’s Witnesses I tell you…
georgelcsmith about 12 years ago
Global warming stopped a decade and a half ago, and it was never man-caused. The evidence points to the Sun as the cause of the warming that did occur.
K M about 12 years ago
And the Brits forced Algore and anyone troweling out his slop also to present actual science rebutting his propaganda. Yes, I hear you Kool-Aid drinkers saying, “But there is no actual science rebutting our propaganda arguments.” ALL the real science is with the deniers. None of it is with you. That’s why the Brits forced presentations of the truth along with “An Inconvenient Truth A Blatant Lie.”