Family Tree by Signe Wilkinson for January 20, 2013
Ames says, "It's a crisis. We must act?No matter how painful." Twig says, "We're with you, dad." Maggie says, "I've laid in provisions." Ames says, "Excellent!" Ames says, "Food and drink for 3 to 5 days should do it." Maggie says, "Plus." Maggie says, "here's the schedule for rotating backup so you can nap." Maggie, Twig, and Ted say, "We're ready!" Ames says, "ok, then. here goes!" 1-800-... Ames says, "We have connection. The plan is a go." Please hold! The next available cable technician will take your call!
llebanorahs about 12 years ago
If we save our oil and use up all the rest of the worlds, when they run out, ours will be that much more valuable to export, and we will still be short of oil in the USA
RonBerg13 Premium Member about 12 years ago
Wait, wait!! Global warming is now causing global cooling!!!!And global cooling is causing global warming, and, and, global warm… uh, er, hmmm… Oh, the hell with it.