Little Dog Lost by Steve Boreman for April 28, 2014

  1. Grog poop
    GROG Premium Member almost 11 years ago

    That’s “full,” Tortie.

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    T_Lexi  almost 11 years ago

    ♫♪ Why do fools fall in love? ♪♬

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  3. 5346ae65734b4d0e82350407ef0d8e00 250
    cleokaya  almost 11 years ago

    My wife and I, while soaking in our hot tub, noticed a couple of birds practicing their courting ritual yesterday.

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  4. 7 sisters
    SkyFisher  almost 11 years ago

    Thank you for stopping your story before the TMI point.

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  5. Image001
    dogday Premium Member almost 11 years ago

    Yep, it’s that time. The geese are guarding their nests; the birds are as busy as the bees, and the squirrels are chasing each other through the trees with the energy of toddlers. Still cool out, though. LOVE LD’s tail-wag as he watches the squirrels, leaving them to their business. Good dog, LD!

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