No reason to sever your ties to Legos.They are great 3-D mental stimulation.I would recommend storing Legos in something, not leaving them scattered all over the floor like most kids do.On the other hand, we used to consider that a theft deterrent.You are bound to hear a thief if he climbs through a window at night and lands in a pile of Legos.
Lyons Group, Inc. over 10 years ago
Me too. I’m still here memories of my childhoodfrom the 1960’s.
stlmaddog5 over 10 years ago
Growing old is mandatory. Growing up is optional.
ellisaana Premium Member over 10 years ago
No reason to sever your ties to Legos.They are great 3-D mental stimulation.I would recommend storing Legos in something, not leaving them scattered all over the floor like most kids do.On the other hand, we used to consider that a theft deterrent.You are bound to hear a thief if he climbs through a window at night and lands in a pile of Legos.