Organic Chem. for majors almost killed me. First mid term was 12 pages. I got a 64 out of a possible 150 points. Since the average score was 67 I had my first C. One student had 147 another had 123, then 117, 93…class of over 300 students.
C for the first quarter. Read all of the material for the second quarter during winter break. Read and reread and did all the problems. Got a C for the second quarter. Said to hell with studying for the third quarter and got a C. Also had a lot more fun the third quarter.
napaeric about 15 years ago
Organic Chem. for majors almost killed me. First mid term was 12 pages. I got a 64 out of a possible 150 points. Since the average score was 67 I had my first C. One student had 147 another had 123, then 117, 93…class of over 300 students. C for the first quarter. Read all of the material for the second quarter during winter break. Read and reread and did all the problems. Got a C for the second quarter. Said to hell with studying for the third quarter and got a C. Also had a lot more fun the third quarter.