The school always did a great job in preparing the students for the death of a child when my children were in school. It was us grown-ups who had the worst time in handling it. I appreciate this arc. I am sure some valuable lesson of life will come out of it.
cpalmeresq over 10 years ago
Will this be a sad story, or one with an amusing misunderstanding?
therese_callahan2002 over 10 years ago
I was expecting a Memorial Day tribute.
Buddy McBuddy over 10 years ago
The disease of life!!! Kids say the darnedest things……
OldManMountain over 10 years ago
If Boog doesn’t know what disease Jimmy has, how can he cure it?
battle of plattsburgh over 10 years ago
Life is terminal.
436rge over 10 years ago
Yeah where is Slim or Walt saluting the flag today?
Willow Mt Lyon over 10 years ago
The school always did a great job in preparing the students for the death of a child when my children were in school. It was us grown-ups who had the worst time in handling it. I appreciate this arc. I am sure some valuable lesson of life will come out of it.