Alien on right: Hey, you're from space too, Bozo.
Actually I highly doubt he’s been in space much less allowed near NASA.
All that technology and they land in a field talking to rubes. Whose the idiot ?
Everybody is in space all the time.
And the Big Bang had no causation.
They were here first.
;) Now teach them about climate change.
November 07, 2013
ShadowBeast Premium Member almost 11 years ago
Actually I highly doubt he’s been in space much less allowed near NASA.
Reality,really? almost 11 years ago
All that technology and they land in a field talking to rubes. Whose the idiot ?
Brass Orchid Premium Member almost 11 years ago
Everybody is in space all the time.
jbmlaw01 almost 11 years ago
And the Big Bang had no causation.
nahuku almost 11 years ago
They were here first.
dcjeepguy almost 11 years ago
;) Now teach them about climate change.