Woman: What are you going to do now? Man: Sue the ski resort for being dangerous. Woman: Well, I hope you're a better lawyer than you are a skier.
He can probably get the lawyer who won the case where an old lady sued a fast food chain, after she spilled hot coffee on herself.
Nothing like profiting from your own clumsiness or stupidity…
But your Honor, how was I to know coffee was hot?
there was no sign warning me that the snow was slippery
How do you stop again? Oh yeah, run into a tree…….
He failed to assess the gravity in the situation. Bunny slope my butt!
He broke his entire widdle body.
pouncingtiger about 15 years ago
He can probably get the lawyer who won the case where an old lady sued a fast food chain, after she spilled hot coffee on herself.
10eapolis Premium Member about 15 years ago
Nothing like profiting from your own clumsiness or stupidity…
lewisbower about 15 years ago
But your Honor, how was I to know coffee was hot?
Plods with ...â„¢ about 15 years ago
there was no sign warning me that the snow was slippery
Mr.Mikey about 15 years ago
How do you stop again? Oh yeah, run into a tree…….
ArtyG about 15 years ago
He failed to assess the gravity in the situation. Bunny slope my butt!
kit_jefferson about 15 years ago
He broke his entire widdle body.