Ordinary Bill by William Wilson for May 02, 2014

  1. Sm katie mae100x100
    TikiCarol  over 10 years ago

    Holy Moses! You make THAT much? Where’s my pencils…..

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    pj  over 10 years ago

    $10,000? I need a better agent.

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    Comic Minister Premium Member over 10 years ago

    Agreed Bill.

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    whtwilson Premium Member over 10 years ago

    But unfortunately, I’m sure most cartoonist do much more work than they are compensated for. But then again, the moolah is not why many of us put pen to paper

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    Mike Parsons Premium Member over 10 years ago

    …and us mere mortals bow down to you dedicated makers of mirth! A day without morning ’toons is a gray, dismal and way-too-serious day. Wish you fabulous folks of funny could somehow get better compensation.What about foreign markets? The internet may provide people willing to interpret for reasonable rates….

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