Our cat did something similar, only with a live baby rabbit. Cat brought her “gift” up to Mom while she was sweeping the porch. When she saw the rabbit in the cat’s mouth, Mom whacked the cat on the head with the broom. Startled, the cat dropped the rabbit. It took the rabbit a moment to realize that a larger animal was no longer carrying it around by the scruff of the neck (which apparently is a very common parental practice among certain animals), and that it was now sitting on a very cold, hard surface. It then noticed the cat above it and took off as though shot from a gun.
Karaboo2 over 10 years ago
Oh rats. The inlaws are moving in next door.
robolt over 10 years ago
Kitty cater.
Marblemouth over 10 years ago
Our neighbor’s cat would catch toads we had in our yard, take them home, and deposit them under one daughter’s bed.
xpurplezebra over 10 years ago
Great, more vultures in the hood!
K M over 10 years ago
Our cat did something similar, only with a live baby rabbit. Cat brought her “gift” up to Mom while she was sweeping the porch. When she saw the rabbit in the cat’s mouth, Mom whacked the cat on the head with the broom. Startled, the cat dropped the rabbit. It took the rabbit a moment to realize that a larger animal was no longer carrying it around by the scruff of the neck (which apparently is a very common parental practice among certain animals), and that it was now sitting on a very cold, hard surface. It then noticed the cat above it and took off as though shot from a gun.
fishbulb239 over 10 years ago
Don’t do it, vultures! You’ll regret the choice – after all, suburban is to urban as substandard is to standard.