Pooch Cafe by Paul Gilligan for May 29, 2014

  1. B986e866 14d0 4607 bdb4 5d76d7b56ddb
    Templo S.U.D.  almost 11 years ago

    Makes you wonder how Dumbo still got in that tree after his and Timothy’s intoxicated episode the previous night (if it wasn’t flight).

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    juicebruce  almost 11 years ago

    Poncho’s Me thinks it is time to check your GPS ! Recalibrating………….

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    StelBel  almost 11 years ago

    After pondering how on earth Poncho could take such a wrong turn and end up IN A TREE! (with a wagon, with a fish bowl, with a fish! ) and what an impossible feat that would be (especially without spilling a drop of water…), it occurred to me that….. YES!….IT COULD BE POSSIBLE!

    sort of…

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  4. Maine coon
    pierreandnicole  almost 11 years ago

    @StelBel…..by jove you’ve solved the mystery!!!! Methinks fish and P are in for one very funny and enjoyable arc.

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  5. Gothic hand
    erin.adamic Premium Member almost 11 years ago

    Fish has had the most exciting life of any goldfish who ever lived. Just because you live in a bowl doesn’t mean you can’t have adventures …

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