Big Nate by Lincoln Peirce for February 11, 1992
Nate: Godfrey was named "teacher of the year"? Francis: Yeah! By the board of eduction! Nate: The board of education? Who are these people? How do they know what kind of teacher she is? Francis: Strange they didn't ask us what we thought! Nate: I certainly wasn't consulted!
Silica Gel almost 9 years ago
Teacher of the year award goes to… Mrs. Godfrey, for doing various feats such as; sending the most amount of students to detention in the history of PS38, having the highest standard in tests, most pop quizzes given out in PS38 history, etc. etc.
Professor W about 8 years ago
Roblox Lover! :P over 4 years ago
Here’s the problem if the Kids voted: Kids would only vote minus points against their least favorite teachers to ensure they wouldn’t win. so all the teachers would have negative votes.
chefnoodlecomix about 4 years ago
Whatever happened to the old Francis
Anonymous... almost 4 years ago
At the school I went to last year the tr if the year was a TR I didn’t even have but most people like him
nintendopoptarts64 almost 2 years ago
The board of education? But she’s mean, always yells, and has a dogs*it attitude. Why is she teacher of the month