La Cucaracha by Lalo Alcaraz for May 24, 2014

  1. Bzrynmhigaatb0i
    common sanse  almost 11 years ago

    No Comic

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  2. Tarot
    Nighthawks Premium Member almost 11 years ago

    try again

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  3. Missing large
    barnaclebillthesailor  almost 11 years ago

    Washington overspends and overborrows — the Fed enables Washington to keep doing it, thus pumping money into the marketplace. That money goes first to megabanks — by the time it drips down to the wage earner, prices of goods have gone up faster than wages have.

    If Washington were to reverse this action by cutting taxes and cutting spending even more, there would be less money in the marketplace, and prices of goods would fall faster than wages fall

    Guess what? The citizenry would scream bloody murder. Washington, which only cares about feeding at the public trough, has brainwashed the citizenry into thinking that government is doing good by pumping money into the marketplace.

    The existing system will collapse — politicians aren’t going to straighten things out. Meanwhile how can anybody expect workers who have no skills to deserve a big raise in relation to skilled workers when employers can easily replace the unskilled workers? Are consumers supposed to pay for this in higher prices? It’s wonderful being Goody Two Shoes as long as somebody else foots the bill.

    The solution is to train unskilled workers to take better jobs.

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    dzw3030  over 10 years ago

    How does being a vegetarian give you the right to eat live animals? (Where’s PETA when you need them?)

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  5. Mouse5
    ORMouseworks  over 10 years ago

    I have a college degree…and worked nine years in a mental health and addictions agency…finally burnt out and resigned. My pay was all of twelve dollars and change an hour when I left. My employee reviews were always good. We served the under-served, those who were SPMI (Severe and Persistent Mentally Ill). And someone who is “unskilled” with no “education” and flips burgers or mops floors wants to earn $15 an hour?!!!! =-O

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  6. Me on trikke 2007    05
    pam Miner  over 10 years ago

    Times change. Price of everything goes up faster than wages. Many with college degrees can’t find jobs. It’s not possible to live on minimum wage. Taco guy is working, self-imployed. Not to bad. Some people say anyone without a job is lazy. I’m on social Security. most folks on SS worked most of their lives.the only ones getting more in the past 15 years are in about $16,000 families. for Everyone else, we have all lost ground.

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