A diner while dining at Crewefound a rather large mouse in his stewSaid the waiter “Don’t shout and wave it aboutor the rest will be wanting one too.”
Sorry..may I offer thee the fine grind blend of peppered crickets?
Ooooh, Superfly! I’ll take the soup…
John Deering and John Newcombe
John Deering
PICTO almost 11 years ago
A diner while dining at Crewefound a rather large mouse in his stewSaid the waiter “Don’t shout and wave it aboutor the rest will be wanting one too.”
Zen-of-Zinfandel almost 11 years ago
Sorry..may I offer thee the fine grind blend of peppered crickets?
jack fairbanks almost 11 years ago
Ooooh, Superfly! I’ll take the soup…