Big Nate by Lincoln Peirce for June 09, 1991
Announcer: Nate swings... He connects! It's a long drive to left! Announcer: It's going!... going!.... Announcer: It is gone! What a shot! Announcer: Wicked! Dad: Hey! Look what I found up in the attic! Dad: It's my old little league baseball bat! Boy, there are a lot of memories in this baby! Dad: Yup! We went through a lot together, this bat and I! Dad: Here, Nate! I want you to have it! Dad: I hope it brings you as much joy as it brought me! Nate: What's this strange substance it's made out of? Dad: It's called "wood." Nate: Wood? Whose bright idea was that? It'll break!
DM9001 over 8 years ago
Wood could break, the way Nate uses them.
Godfrey's sugar daddy 69 over 8 years ago
Who hasn’t heard of wood
iheartcomix123 over 8 years ago
I doubt it would be any less flimsy than wooden golf clubs.
Hockey17 almost 7 years ago
Hockey sticks used to be wooden, but now most are composite.
Bland'O over 4 years ago
What a idiot.
rey mondia over 4 years ago
He can’t remember. But he really does see a bat like that!
zeusrocker339 about 4 years ago
Isn’t he a Boston Red Sox fan? He should know that Major League Baseball players use wooden bats.
#1 Big Nate fan almost 4 years ago
hockey man almost 4 years ago
Nate, that’s rude
moriarty about 2 years ago
this one is funny (finally) and its actually made me laugh 7/10
STUFF ENJOYER 11 months ago
It would absolutely break.