Big Nate by Lincoln Peirce for September 13, 1992
Mr. Wright: Nate! come on! lets get going! This is going to be fun! Nate: sigh... Special Thrift Edition! DAD'S SHOPPING TIPS! Narrative: Hello again, back to school shoppers! are you frustrated by outrageous prices at your favorite stores? well don't pay through the nose for designer labels! you can outfit your child for back-to-school at a fraction of the cost if you shop for bargains!! Heres young nate wearing a a fabulous polyester striped sweater! it's stylish and its on sale!! and can you believe that we found this beautiful shirt on a rack of merchandise labeled "imperfect"? Who needs expensive brand-name sneakers? Instead, look in the sales bin!! you'll find shoes that are just as good!! and why pay forty dollars for a pair of jeans?? we found these imitation leopard-skin bell bottoms for only $8.99!! Mr. Wright:..... And look over there! sixty percent off! Nate: Why can't he just give me money and wait in the car?
DM9001 about 8 years ago
He looks like a clown!
Comics kid over 7 years ago
the first one looks like the outfit charlie brown wears
That Crazy Big Nate Fan over 4 years ago
Wait, if nate wears the same outfit every day, why is he buying different clothes?
SpiketheBeagle almost 4 years ago
back to school shopping on september 13th? late school year ig
Commenter8888 over 3 years ago
nate has 20 shirts that look the same. he has 10 shorts, and 10 pants.
t.kim21 over 3 years ago
how come Nate never grew passed all this time?
Tacomelon over 3 years ago
its says 1/2 price not 60% marty
STUFF ENJOYER 10 months ago
Those clothes are massive.