I guessed it! (More likely a dim memory from the time this strip first ran years ago.)
Will there be a threesome for Dinner? Will Dorothy and Skye both leave Jane? Will Jane be left alone?
Where did Jane’s chin come from in the last panel?
And Dorothy’s. .(Jane sometimes morphs into Harry Potter when in profile.)
Chriss, how can Jane screw this one up?
Paige Braddock and Jason McNamara
February 28, 2014
wesbucey almost 11 years ago
I guessed it! (More likely a dim memory from the time this strip first ran years ago.)
nufalready almost 11 years ago
Starman1948 almost 11 years ago
Will there be a threesome for Dinner? Will Dorothy and Skye both leave Jane? Will Jane be left alone?
Not Me almost 11 years ago
Where did Jane’s chin come from in the last panel?
MeGoNow Premium Member almost 11 years ago
And Dorothy’s. .(Jane sometimes morphs into Harry Potter when in profile.)
gileshead almost 11 years ago
Chriss, how can Jane screw this one up?