The Born Loser by Art and Chip Sansom for June 02, 2014

  1. Koala
    miqq1234  almost 11 years ago

    ….you wish…

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  2. Lounge a bof
    sbchamp  over 10 years ago


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  3. Boston terrier 7
    LV1951  over 10 years ago

    We recently received a bill that showed no water usage for 1 month. They hadn’t read the meter. The next bill was double. OUCH!

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  4. 038
    jppjr  over 10 years ago

    Reminds me of when I moved to a small town….I was charged for water and sewer…in the summer, I noticed a spot in the back yard that was greener than the rest of the grass…found out I had a septic tank….for about a year I didn’t have to pay a water bill…they gave me credit for all the sewer charges I’d had…

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