I'm smiling on the outside because I have a rainbow of pills on the inside.
Suddenly that line “The girl with kaleidoscope eyes” has a different meaning for me.
I bet we could make a colorful mosaic painting together.
Even with my rainbow of pills, I find it difficult to muster up a smile these days.
Real housewife of Beverly Pills
electricshadow Premium Member over 10 years ago
Suddenly that line “The girl with kaleidoscope eyes” has a different meaning for me.
Say What Now‽ Premium Member over 10 years ago
I bet we could make a colorful mosaic painting together.
ladykat Premium Member over 10 years ago
Even with my rainbow of pills, I find it difficult to muster up a smile these days.
Zen-of-Zinfandel over 10 years ago
Real housewife of Beverly Pills