Pooch Cafe by Paul Gilligan for February 18, 2010

  1. Woody with beer
    WoodEye  about 15 years ago

    If my dog acted like that he might never eat anything again…..

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  2. Nanny poo
    carmy  about 15 years ago

    Poncho must have been a drill sergeant in one his past lives.

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    Eric Sobocinski Premium Member about 15 years ago

    My dog does act like that, with about 5 minute accuracy. After 10 years I’ve finally given up trying to train her not to. It’s one of those really annoying traits that I’ll miss when she’s gone.

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  4. Large dolphin1a
    DolphinGirl78  about 15 years ago

    My cats have an ingrained sense of time as well, and they tag team like wrestlers when I don’t get up fast enough to suit them… :D

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    alondra  about 15 years ago

    I would flat never have a pet around that did that to me. I’d either get rid of Poncho or kill him.

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  6. Wolf3
    COWBOY7  about 15 years ago

    I would venture to say this is an exaggeration of how our pets are at times.

    Like Esobocinski stated, I’ll miss it when it’s gone!

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  7. Native hemp co 10 678x1024
    *Space Madness at The Station*  about 15 years ago

    my shadow wakes me.

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  8. Titi hawaii
    harm1994  about 15 years ago

    It’s PONCHO time….

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    cleokaya  about 15 years ago

    My dog had a much quieter way of letting me know that it was time for food. She would come up to me, look me in the eye and lick her lips.

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    rdh288  about 15 years ago

    It’s not that big of a deal until daylight savings time hits. Dog’s internal clocks don’t adjust.

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  11. Bunnypancakehead
    DarkHorseSki  about 15 years ago

    My old cat was the same way. Simpson never understood the difference between a work day and a day when you can sleep in, let alone when daylight savings ended each year.

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  12. Roadrunner
    Roadrunner Premium Member about 15 years ago

    Fifi is the same way, but we started setting an alarm clock, and when she starts her song and dance, I point to the clock, and say “Mr. Buzz-ard said it is not time yet”. She sets in front of the clock and whines till it Buzzes. I leave the clock set to “normal” time even when the time changes, so she stays on her schedule. I am retired by the way!!

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    John Foster Premium Member about 15 years ago

    Mine comes to the bedside and puts her paw by my head. She now has me trained so I get up at 6am. She also knows when it’s time for lunch, time for a run, and time for a trip outside before bedtime. I don’t need a clock any more.

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  14. Allen pictures 006
    N.D.Pendent  about 15 years ago

    My mom had a Boston Terrier that started waking her up in the middle of the night for a chocolate fix instead of a potty break. Needless to say, he started his withdrawal from chocolate soon after.

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  15. V  9
    freeholder1  about 15 years ago

    “Dogs do it. Cat’s do it. Even hungry wives who want you’re butt out of bed, do it…”

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  16. Hamster avatar
    Michelle99  about 15 years ago

    To wake me, my first dog would ram the bed with her chest so the mattress shook. She adjusted for DST. My cats would ever so gently touch my face with their paws. Another dog would, ahem, french kiss my husband when she wanted him to get up.

    Yet another dog liked to entertain himself until we woke by sticking his head under the curtains to look out the window and barking at birds, animals, or nothing. After he figured out we didn’t like this, he’d do the same thing only quietly woof to himself so he wouldn’t wake us. That’s when we realized he was doing it to amuse himself.

    I miss all of them to distraction.

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  17. Maine coon
    pierreandnicole  about 15 years ago

    Your pet stories warmed my heart. Thanks to you all.

    Isn’t Poncho’s tail tip similar to Satan’s? Could explain a lot.

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    thampacks  about 15 years ago

    No Carmen? Where is Carmen? Is he in the doghouse again?

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