Paige: Here you go, fishies- time for din-din. That's right, little guppies, eat the fish food... that's right, mister angelfish, eat the fish... Food! The fish food! I didn't finish the sentence!
Peter: Guppies reproduce quickly, I hope.
ejcapulet almost 15 years ago
Did the pet shop guy forget to mention that angel fish tend to be aggressive?
lightblade77 almost 15 years ago
I had a fish like this. We never saw him eat the other fish, but one day we would come in and see that several of them were missing.
Dkram almost 15 years ago
Yes, my understanding is they do reproduce quickly. A mat of seaweed at the top of the tank for the babes to hide in, Guppies eat their own young.
Vista Bill Raley and Comet™ almost 15 years ago
Jason will love this fish tank!
DolphinGirl78 almost 15 years ago
VistaBill: love your avatar… I miss Marty Feldman… favorite role ever was Igor in Young Frankenstein… :)
Metroidprime8wwd almost 15 years ago
Swim away!
Metroidprime8wwd almost 15 years ago
Swim away!
Metroidprime8wwd almost 15 years ago
Swim away little guppies
Metroidprime8wwd almost 15 years ago
Swim away little guppies
zev.farkas almost 15 years ago
Anyone remember a story called “Gallons of Guppies” in one of your elementary school readers?
powerPuppet almost 15 years ago
Noooooooo!!!! Not the fishies!
PiratePTG almost 15 years ago
I used to have a 45 gallon aquarium that was my own little rock concert. I have a very strong musical background so when we named all the fish, they naturally were named after musicians.
My angel fish was “Al” (Al Stewart) because he was kinda laid back… Just kinda swam around doing his own thing…
The fresh-water shark was “Buffett”, pretty much a no-brainer in the naming dept there…
The two sucker fish (I forget what they’re actually called) were “Axel” and “Slash” (because G&R sucks).
There was some cool little eel kinda fish that hung out in the toy Bronco that we called “Nuge” (Ted Nugent has a couple of Broncos).
I had 30 some-odd blue neons, which because of their swimming habits, were “Groupies”.
And finally, the Pirate bubbler on the bottom was “Don” (Don Kirshner). Who else could hold a rock concert like this?! LOL
DolphinGirl78 almost 15 years ago
That’s awesome PiratePTG! :)
jabo almost 15 years ago
Mother Nature has a plan!
LadybugMacon almost 15 years ago
Angel fish are some of the most beautiful fish in the pet store, but they can only be put in a tank with other angel fish because they can be aggressive.
Quantumtorpedo1 almost 15 years ago
Dr. Frankenstein to Igor: Wasn’t your hump on the other side?
Igor to Dr. Frakenstein: Hump?? What hump??
Templo S.U.D. almost 15 years ago
At least Paige didn’t get a piranha.
trekkermint almost 15 years ago
guppies breed like crazy - 25 cents at my local pet store for feeder guppies
JP Steve Premium Member almost 15 years ago
I has a neon that killed everything else in the tank, including the cleaner shark and a big beta!
Are2Dee2 7 months ago
An angel fish with guppies? Someone didn’t do her homework.