Okay.. Big half for me.. And little half for you guys. Isn't half a pretty well defined term, Louie? Yeah, Jonas. You'll find their math gets a little fuzzy when it comes to divvying up cheeseburgers.
Good Morning Crew,Pirate math is all for one and half for you. Cheeseburgers of our labor is PRICELESS ! Oh, and a little wine and cheese is ok too. WOOF!Have a GREAT DAY MATIE’S
2old they may serve a form of a cheeseburger, but if I ate cheese burgers, I wouldn’t eat them there. My choice has always been Wendy’s for burgers (without cheese).
Last Rose Of Summer Premium Member over 10 years ago
Neither of them is complaining tho!
Last Rose Of Summer Premium Member over 10 years ago
They didn’t teach math like this when I was in school. (that I had to walk to, in the snow, in L.A., up hill both ways)
instigator20 over 10 years ago
Good Morning Crew,Pirate math is all for one and half for you. Cheeseburgers of our labor is PRICELESS ! Oh, and a little wine and cheese is ok too. WOOF!Have a GREAT DAY MATIE’S
capkidd over 10 years ago
That’s like…heads I win, tails you loose.
GROG Premium Member over 10 years ago
2old they may serve a form of a cheeseburger, but if I ate cheese burgers, I wouldn’t eat them there. My choice has always been Wendy’s for burgers (without cheese).
GROG Premium Member over 10 years ago
Good morning, Crew!
capkidd over 10 years ago
Hey, our kids used a ruler if they had to divide a piece of cake or something…….
Shikamoo Premium Member over 10 years ago
Henry’s math sounds about right for a cheeseburger. I’m surprised they got that much. :-)