Compu-toon by Charles Boyce for January 31, 2010

  1. Opus45
    poppy1313  about 15 years ago

    There is an app for every thing

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  2. Missing large
    HappyChappy  about 15 years ago

    They should invent an app. that deletes the pictures of people that are ugly on the inside.

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  3. Erroll for ror
    celeconecca  about 15 years ago

    It’s called Photoshop!

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  4. B986e866 14d0 4607 bdb4 5d76d7b56ddb
    Templo S.U.D.  about 15 years ago

    I’m always confused about Murphy’s T-shirt. Why is it a mouse in a Ø, is he against computers?

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  5. Technoman1
    bwb  about 15 years ago

    To comixavier - There’s a storyline in the early part of the strip where Murphy shows animosity toward the incompatibilty between PCs and Macs. He vowed to protest this until the industry comes together as one.

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