Francis: Uh-Oh! babes alert!
Nate: Wow! It's Jenny and Sheila!
Francis: Two of the cutest girls in school!
Nate: Let's wave at them!
Francis: They're coming this way!
Nate: Did they see us? Did they see us?
Francis: They're turning around.
Nate: They saw us.
troylamborghini about 9 years ago
Poor Nate and Francis.
wonkmaster about 8 years ago
Well, Francis at least will end up successful
southwoodpark56 almost 8 years ago
poor poor nate i feel bad for him his his first girlfriend was for 5 minutes in 1997 then his second gf was in 1997-1998 then his third gf was in 2001-2002 then his forth gf was in 2015-2016 then his fifth gf was from march 2017-april 1 2017
AsrielTriforce almost 6 years ago
That’s how I can tell if someone from middle school sees me. Fortunately, I don’t mind.
Chloe T about 5 years ago
This comic came out when Selena Gomez was born omg
Brxken Lol over 4 years ago
I thought that Sheila was Francis’s girlfriend tho.
Commenter8888 over 3 years ago
francis and nate: exist jenny and sheila: turn around! turn around!
STUFF ENJOYER 11 months ago
They were seen.