Big Nate by Lincoln Peirce for October 30, 1992
Here you go boys. Francis/Nate: Thank you. Francis: I got an apple. Nate: So did I. Francis: That's the sixth apple iv'e gotten tonight! Nate: I've got eight of them! Francis: Are all of these people dentist or something? Nate: No, No..... The dentists hand out sugarless gum and floss.
Hugh Janus over 7 years ago
An apple is better than a pencil
I luv comix over 6 years ago
Maybe they are doctors.
Comic Man X about 5 years ago
I hate when that happens too Nate…
Pizza_lover over 4 years ago
Apples are still yummy!
Grammar Police!! over 4 years ago
“I got a rock”.
Mr. LxATHE about 4 years ago
What is this? Minecraft???