Cul de Sac by Richard Thompson for August 10, 2014
Alice: Dad, why are we stopping here? Dad: Let's get some watermelons! Petey: I hate produce. Dad: PETEY. Alice: Is he Pulpy Jones? Clerk: Me? Do you not know the story of Pulpy Joe? Clerk: They say he was a farmer with fancy ideas about growing the World's Largest Watermelon. They say he sold his soul to the Devil, at the crossroads, at midnight.. Pulpy: Deal. Devil: Deal. Clerk: But the watermelon Joe grew was puny. He mocked the Devil, who said that Joe's soul wasn't no bargain neither. Clerk: So the devil cursed him. Now Pulpy Joe wanders the land lookin for his head, but in vain. Petey: Wow! Produce is cool! Mom: How about that? Clerk: Good day to you! Man: Did you just think that up? Clerk: Naw, it's a screenplay I'm writing. Do you think it'd work better with a grapefruit?
Sisyphos over 10 years ago
I love and fear the Legend of Pulpy Joe! When this Sunday afternoon I go to the produce store (mine is called Produce World, not Pulpy Joe’s), I shall tremble accordingly!
Hugh B. Hayve over 10 years ago
That’ll be one of the new episodes in the upcoming season of Supernatural. Demon Dean has to collect Pulpy Joe’s soul for Crowley and ends up spitting watermelon seeds for the entire show.
puddlesplatt over 10 years ago
a last Petey has found happiness in produce, not onions tho!
Biltil Premium Member over 10 years ago
The Syfy channel would buy both screenplays
tmt over 10 years ago
Gotta say, the Devil looks quite frightening in his tie.
Emlyn Premium Member over 10 years ago
One of my faves.
Malcolm Hall over 10 years ago
I like the Devil’s specs.
Teto85 Premium Member about 5 years ago
I imagine Pulpy Joe wandering the Delmarva peninsula. And I thank dog we now live on Vancouver Island.