The Boondocks by Aaron McGruder for September 14, 2014
Jar Jar: Hisa kids! Mesa Jar Jar Binks and wesa gonna have lotsa fun! Yeesssuh! Every week, Isa gonna tell stories, play games and dance. Jar Jar sho' nuff likes to shuffle!! Ya see, chiluns, Jar Jar besa good alien and hesa no want no trouble! So, rememba, mesa luv you, and rememba to go see Da Phantom Menace!! O-tay!! Editor's Note: "The Boondocks" has been replaced by a new Sunday strip from Lucasfilm Ltd. We hope you will find the new strip, called "Wacky Fun with Jar Jar Binks," more suitable for the comic pages.
jbmlaw01 over 10 years ago
Never understood McGruder’s problem with JarJar. JarJar clearly mocks a certain stereotype from the early 20th century, and such mockery is McGruder’s stock-in-trade. Seems he would have appreciated the mockery.
IQTech61 over 10 years ago
Was it mocking a certain stereotype or resurrecting it?Feels a lot more like a resurrection than a mockery.
rgcviper over 10 years ago
I’ve never known quite what to make of Jar-Jar. He’s … unique … if strangely likeable.
ivanprime93 over 10 years ago
Eh i don’t hate Jar Jar, i sort of like him.
Metavenger over 10 years ago
Is that Jar Jar doing Gangnam Style?
dianalward over 10 years ago
Nope, not O-TAY!