The Boondocks by Aaron McGruder for February 22, 2015
Jazmine: Ooh...Ooh.., I'm so excited! I just met Santa at the mall! He said I was gonna get - Huey: Did you do what I asked? Did you mention "Majestic 12" and the "Illuminati"? Did he get all nervous and start acting funny? Jazmine: I - I was going to, but he gave me a lollipop and I forgot. I'm sorry... Huey: Aarrgh!! Don't you understand? I think Ol' St. Nick is at the heart of a global conspiracy to enslave the masses and bring in the new world order! You were supposed to mention the plot and see if he got nervous! Jazmine: I'm sorry. The lollipop threw me off. It's grape! Huey: But that's what it's all about. They feed our greed for instant gratification! They get us to obey unseen powers. When we accept the impossible without asking questions, they know we are mindless lambs ready to be led to slaughter. Ever wonder how Santa makes it around the world in one night? Jazmine: Elf magic? Huey: Try alien space technology back-engineered by the Air Force. Jazmine: Wooooooooow... Huey: Quiet weapons for silent wars, Jazmine...Quiet weapons for silent wars...
Squizzums about 10 years ago
He ain’t never lied. I’ve seen those unmarked black helicopters…
louieglutz about 10 years ago
the silent ones, that just float around the periphery of your vision? if it gets too bad see an eye doctor; macular degeneration is a real problem.
Sheila Hardie about 10 years ago
Sounds like he’s describing religion…