The Boondocks by Aaron McGruder for August 21, 2015
Riley: Man, it's unbelievable what these NRA guys do for fun. They grab guns, go outside, and just start shooting anything that moves... And here's the ill part. They don't get in trouble. They bust shots, kill things, and it's all legal!! Huey: In some cities it's called "policing". Riley: They call it "hunting".
rongillmore over 9 years ago
Aaron pointed this out years ago, and it has only gotten worse…
batmanwithprep over 9 years ago
15 years later that last panel is even more relevant today.
herdleader53 over 9 years ago
The Milwaukee Chief of Police (the BLACK Milwaukee Chief of Police) was on TV last night. He said that stats show that cops kill more white men then black men by a ratio of almost 2:1.
marshalldoc over 9 years ago
So, if blacks account for 33% of the police killings, but account for ~13% of the population, they’re being killed at 2 1/2 times the rate of whites. What was the Milwaukee Chief’s point?
eddy8053 over 9 years ago
Fomenting and spewing hatred. If I was Satan, I would love it!