The Boondocks by Aaron McGruder for August 29, 2015
NRA operator: Hello, NRA freedom hotline... Huey: Yeah, I have a hunting question. NRA operator: Well, that's part of the reason we're here - shoot! Ha! Get it? Shoot... heh-heh-heh... Huey: Funny. Anyway, what's with the deer?! I mean, it's not like they're threatening. Why kill them? They're cute and harmless! Where's the manly accomplishment in that?! NRA operator: Well, I'll tell ya, used to be a time when a man could go shoot himself a buffalo, an Indian, or even a runaway slave! But the liberals in D.C. say that's not politically correct!! I blame Hillary Clinton and Jesse Jackson, myself...
J Short over 9 years ago
Just pay someone else to kill an innocent cow or pig for you; you don’t have to actually witness their death or feel as if you participated.
louieglutz over 9 years ago
deer are neither cute nor harmless.
IQTech61 over 9 years ago
Here’s the thing about deer, Huey. Without predators to keep the herds in check, they grow rapidly and can easily defoliate large areas of land causing all kinds of environmental problems.
Tarredandfeathered over 9 years ago
Darn Libruls are even trying to convince people that Slavery is Over so, when you see one Running Away, you shouldn’t Shoot Him. .