The Boondocks by Aaron McGruder for September 07, 2015

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    pmmarion Premium Member over 9 years ago

    Amen to that Gramps!

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    sam.adams.15  over 9 years ago

    The census is a power delegated by the people to the federal government by the Constitution for purposes of congressional representation. But that’s the ONLY reason for this power. Anything beyond a head count is unconstitutional, so Huey’s partly right.

    The census has become invasive and other than giving the number of people living in a household, which is all the Constitution requires, no one is compelled to give any further information. But damn, Huey just gets so rabid … I agree with him, but after a while I’d be inclined to tell him to shut it.

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    sam.adams.15  over 9 years ago


    It doesn’t matter what you find invasive, if any questions on the census form are beyond the scope of “how many people live in this household”, it’s invasive. That’s ALL the Constitution requires. And we all have the legal right to answer JUST THAT and nothing more.

    Why are you so snarky with me? I’m just saying what the law of the land guarantees us. I don’t care what idiots share on Facebook. That’s their choice, but it’s not mandated by law.

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