The Boondocks by Aaron McGruder for October 13, 2015
Caeser: Ok, so did you like it? I think you kinda liked it. Huey: Please... Caeser: Now I know you already decided to hate it going in, but you have to admit it wasn't that bad. Huey: I have to admit nothing of the sort. Caeser: But you were cheering during the movie! Huey: I was cheering for the British. I was hoping they'd win so I could finally go home. We join Huey and Caeser after finally having seen "The Patriot."
Squizzums over 9 years ago
It’s thinking like that that led to the sun never setting on the British empire for a long time.
ViscountNik over 9 years ago
Someone yelled “SHE’S IN THE ATTIC!” during the second act, that how bad the play was.
Thomas & Tifffany Connolly over 9 years ago
Is this boy ever happy?