The Boondocks by Aaron McGruder for August 24, 2017
Riley: Granddad, will you buy me a gun? Granddad: Never. Go away - I'm watchin' my stories... Riley: The National Rifle Association says shooting sports are great activities for kids. Granddad: Shush, Boy! I'm trying to hear my stories. I said no guns. Riley: You do realize you're voilating my constitutionally protected second amendment right to bear arms, don't you. Granddad: You 'bout to see me violate some child abuse laws too if you don't hush!!
drivingfuriously Premium Member over 7 years ago
You’re too young for a BB gun.
geekboy_x over 7 years ago
Hasn’t grandad realized yet that everything in any soap opera is repeated twice? You will never miss anything, they always say it again. Thus the name “Mary Hartman, Mary Hartman” for one of the most deliciously subversive pieces of U.S. television ever to come down the pipe.