The Boondocks by Aaron McGruder for November 14, 2021
Huey: (Sigh) Let's see if I can guess what happened here. My grandfather, despite the fact that he is more than seventy years old and against the repeated warnings of his grandson, decides to take up the pseudo martial-arts exercise craze sweeping the nation, Tae-Bo. Too cheap to actually buy the tape, my grandfather attempts to work out with the infomercial at three in the morning. Minutes later, he either collapses due to chronic exhaustion or falls attempting a Billy Banks-style kick. Either way, something in his back is now misaligned and he lies motionless on the ground until sunrise, where he has been found by the very grandson who forewarned him, but who has far too much respect for his elders to say "I told you so." Granddad: Ha!! Shows what you know, boy. I was just resting here after my workout - and if, I mean, when I get up I'm gonna Tae-Bo that smirk off your face. Now, if I could just get a little help -
Prey over 3 years ago
Maybe he was attempting this –
Ellis97 over 3 years ago
Is this a repeat?
kaffekup over 3 years ago
I remember this one, and thinking the funniest part was working out with the infomercial at 3AM. It still is.
namelocdet over 3 years ago
I think this one is out of sequence.
I'm Sad over 3 years ago