Indeed, and not just any religious ritual: the rite of the Day of Atonement described in Leviticus 16 (KJV), even if the word simply means “the goat that escaped” and not someone (even a goat) that suffered unjustly for a penalty due to someone else.
COWBOY7 almost 15 years ago
This is fitting in many ways! Ha-ha. Love it, Thom. Catch the green one?
Good Morning Everyone!
Rakkav almost 15 years ago
Thom, did you mean “scapegoat” or am I missing something?
Akenta almost 15 years ago
I like the troll’s head in the audience (unless he’s the prosecuting attorney).
Ray_C almost 15 years ago
The word “gruff” reminded me of the story:
The “junkyard” is Thom’s own embellishment, I guess. I’d bet that “scrapgoat” was intentional, since he’s referring to a “junkyard troll.”
lewisbower almost 15 years ago
Hey, don’t call my boss a troll. He’s a kind considerate man who would never think of looking over my shoulder at my monitor. I love my boss.
Digital Frog almost 15 years ago
Hey, it’s water under the bridge, let it go.
carmy almost 15 years ago
They say this goat is one baaad mother…shut your mouth! I’m just talkin’ ‘bout goat.
cleokaya almost 15 years ago
Objection, that goat’s talking trash, your honor.
yyyguy almost 15 years ago
young billy had enough and decided to get gruff so poor old troll found, on the whole he wasn’t very tough
yyyguy almost 15 years ago
unless that’s nanny!
nice one Thom
Digital Frog almost 15 years ago
I see a face in the top left corner wearing glasses!
Shikamoo Premium Member almost 15 years ago
Johanan Rakkav- That’s okay, you’re entitled to an off day. Junk-scrap, it’s all there.
I like the reference to Three Billy Goats Gruff. He must be one of them.
gulfcoastgrl almost 15 years ago
COWBOY7 almost 15 years ago
Excellent comeback Cleo!
Rakkav almost 15 years ago
Indeed, and not just any religious ritual: the rite of the Day of Atonement described in Leviticus 16 (KJV), even if the word simply means “the goat that escaped” and not someone (even a goat) that suffered unjustly for a penalty due to someone else.
There…hopefully that makes up for an off day. :)