The Boondocks by Aaron McGruder for April 08, 2023
Huey: I guess...I guess I'd just like to know why...why did you decide to work for the feds? Granddad: You mean, why be a census taker? Well, I believe the census is really important. Plus, it'll get me out into the fresh air and away from you kids. Huey: And you have absolutely no respect for your grandson's valiant revolution against the very system you now serve!! Granddad: Well, yes, but that wasn't one of the main reaons...
Ellis97 almost 2 years ago
Grandad just wants to get away from Huey and Riley’s antics.
SofaKing Premium Member almost 2 years ago
An accurate census can get more representation for the people Huey wants to help.
ldmulvaney73 almost 2 years ago
Plus, it’s a pretty good paying part time job.