Caulfield: Picture a bike ride with a 50% chance of rain. The pessimist sees a 50% chance of getting wet. The optimist sees a 50% chance of staying dry the whole ride. Frazz sees: Frazz: 100% chance of a bike ride!
World Naked Bike Ride tonight in St Louis Missouri. 7pm in the Grove. Be there, be bare.
I thought i was the only one to see it like that… Thanks Frazz.
100% chance of sittin’ here reading a book….50% chance of getting up and making a sandwich….
Better than stuck in the spokes.
love this strip, thanks Jef
Love this! Go Frazz!
July 31, 2013
stlmaddog5 over 10 years ago
World Naked Bike Ride tonight in St Louis Missouri. 7pm in the Grove. Be there, be bare.
thewebbs over 10 years ago
I thought i was the only one to see it like that… Thanks Frazz.
Varnes over 10 years ago
100% chance of sittin’ here reading a book….50% chance of getting up and making a sandwich….
Stephen Gilberg over 10 years ago
Better than stuck in the spokes.
bjy1293 Premium Member over 10 years ago
love this strip, thanks Jef
1148559 over 10 years ago
Love this! Go Frazz!